
USDefenseD eptTheorizesUF [アイドル]

US Defense Dept Theorizes UFO's Are Alien Motherships

The official in charge of a Pentagon effort to investigate unexplained aerial incursions has co-authored an academic paper that presents the theory that recent unidentified flying objects could actually be alien probes from a mothership sent to study earth. In a draft paper, Sean Kirkpatrick, head of the Pentagon’s All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), and Harvard professor Avi Loeb teamed up to write that the UFO's, which appear to defy all physics, could be, quote, “probes from an extraterrestrial parent craft.” After the Harvard professor posted the draft paper online, it gained notoriety from circulation on news outlets. The draft paper discusses the possibility that the unexplained UFO's the Department of Defense is studying could be “probes” in the mothership scenario. One section of the draft paper is titled: “The Extraterrestrial Possibility.” // Our website..
tag: AI and ET's,pentagon UFO's,ufo us govt,ufo alien motherships,us DOD UFO
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